Gros-Morne Christian Church
Gros-Morne means "Big Mountain" in Creole, the language of Haiti. Gros-Morne is a small town of about 8000 people located along the Mancelle River. Although Gros-Morne is only about 11 miles north of Gonaives, the roads are so bad it takes over an hour to get there.
When Sainsurin was in Bible College in North Carolina, Roger Julien wrote to Sainsurin about becoming a Christian church preacher.. Sainsurin explained New Testament Christianity to Roger and he and his wife, Claudette, started Gonaives Christian Church with 15 people in 1987. A new sanctuary was built in 1999 and today the church has 150 members.

The School
Gros-Morne Christian School offers classes that range from kindergarten through 6th grade.
Claudette Julien founded the school soon after she and her husband started the church in 1987.
The school has educated many hundreds of children from Gros-Morne over the years. Today, the school has
about 50 students.

Renauld Odalus
Preaching Minister
We regret to report that Renauld passed away in May 2023. Besides preaching, he played the keyboard and led worship at the church. He also taught computers at the school and worked as an electrician to support his family. He is survived by his wife, Marie Dalia, and their 6 children.
Please pray with us:
-That God will raise up a new preacher to replace Renauld.
-That God will console and care for Renauld's wife and family.

Claudette Lucien
Claudette and her deceased husband, Roger founded Gros-Morne Christian Church and School in 1987. She continued to serve as the Director and Nurse of the school and provide nursing care to the people of Gros-Morne until her health forced her to retire and move to Gonaives to be with her family.
Claudette requests prayers:
-That she can continue to grow spiritually.
-That the school can hire another teacher and grow to 150 students.
-That the school have a well, lunches for the students, and more computers (they currently have one).
-That the church will grow and can feed and help the poor people in Gros-Morne find ways to make money.