Gonaives Christian Mission brings the love of Christ to the people of Haiti through the local Haitian church.
We plant new churches and support existing churches in villages and towns near Gonaives.
We train church leaders at Bible Seminars and in Haitian Bible Colleges.
We offer education at Christian schools associated with our churches.
We dig wells near our churches and schools in communities that lack clean water.
Through the hard work and generous assistance of Christian Missionary Fellowship, church and school buildings are constructed.
Through the efforts of partner churches in the U.S., food, clothes, solar lights, school supplies, and gifts are distributed to needy children and families.
All humanitarian outreach is done through the local churches in order to draw people to Christ, strengthen His church, and bring glory to our Father in Heaven.
Gonaives Christian Mission (GCM) is directed by Sainsurin Jean-Baptiste and his wife, Marie Nicole Dieu-Fils. Sainsurin and Marie were married and already had 2 children when Sainsurin was given the opportunity to go to Winston-Salem Bible College in North Carolina. Sainsurin spoke almost no English yet he excelled in his classes while working to provide money to send home for his family. He only came back to Haiti one time for 2 weeks during his 4 years in college.
After he graduated in 1989, he returned to Haiti. He and Marie made a commitment to work for Christ in Haiti and Gonaives Christian Mission was born. Sainsurin began dividing his time serving at the churches in Gonaives, Gros-Morne and Grand L’eau. A few years later, GCM extended the mission to Ennery and Grand L'eau.
Now GCM has a church and school in Gonaives, Ennery, Grand L'eau, Gros-Morne and St. Michel and a church in the village of Achin. GCM and its partners are working in many ways to bring the love of Christ to the Haiti through these churches and schools.